
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 2 - 19/04/21

This week in English we looked at instruction writing and we worked in pairs to find the features of instructions. Yellow class looked at using bossy verbs and time adverbials when writing instructions for making their super veg! We also wrote a list of all of the things we would need to make our super veg and we then evaluated our veg heroes once we had made them. 


In topic, we used our plan to create our veg heroes! Yellow class chose all of their materials and their vegetable, using their plans from last week to help them. We have got some fantastic veg hero creations! In art, Yellow class painted a picture of their veg hero using their creations and plans and in Computing, we began to use Purple Mash to create a picture of our super veg. 


In maths this week, we have been investigating mass and weight. Yellow class practiced using the vocabulary of heavier and lighter and we compared the weights of different objects. We also used non-standard units of measurement to measure the weight of objects using cubes. Yellow class predicted how many cubes we would need to balance the scales and we then tested it to see how heavy the objects were. 


In science, we continued our learning on materials and we sorted objects based on their properties. We used Venn diagrams to sort the objects and we discussed how an object in the middle of the Venn diagram means that it has both of the properties. Yellow class were excellent at remembering lots of different properties from last lesson including transparent, opaque, smooth and bendy. 


The sounds we have been learning this week in phonics is the 'or' sound and the alternative spellings (or, aw, au, oor, ore). We wrote words and sentences using the sounds, played bingo and looked at real and alien words. 


Next week we are beginning our learning about multiplication in maths by investigating equal groups. In English, we are writing our own Supertato stories and in Art we will be introducing the artist Roy Lichtenstein and his pop art. 


Well done for all your hard work this week Yellow Class!
