What a wonderful first week back together we have had! It was so lovely to see all of the children skipping in to class each morning, with big smiles on their faces and the classroom full of laughter. I'm not sure I've ever seen a happier bunch of children! We really did miss them all and I hope they have enjoyed this week with us as much as we have with them. Back to school routine has definitely worn them out though!!
We had some new faces join us over the lockdown period including some new classmates; Freya, Tegan and Lara. It has been great to get to know them this week and all the children have been working really hard to show them what life in Green Class is like. We also welcome Miss Chaudry who is on her teaching practise with us for the next 6 or so weeks, until the middle of May. She has been busy getting to know they children, and they've been helping her out too by working hard, playing well and showing her how life in Green Class works too!
Our focus this week was reconnecting! Reconnecting with each other, with the adults, with the classroom and with the rules and expectations that come with school life. This was so important to do, as with out all of these things, learning doesn't happen. We practised some Phonics, with the children showing us independently what they had learnt over the last few weeks. We did lots of reading together. (This has been my favourite part of the week as I have missed reading with them all so very much!). We recapped some of our Maths learning from home, thinking about more than and less than. And we shared lots and lots of stories together.
It was also Science Week in school too. Our main focus was inventors and inventions. We looked at every day objects like the bicycle and the teddy bear and who they were invented by. Then we compared them to the modern day version and spoke about how they have been adapted over time to be more useful/work better for us.
We shared two stories 'Not a Box' and 'Not a Stick'.
(These are the links to them if you would like to share them at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svlNiELjDao and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwqxd4SfNcw ). We took inspiration from these stories, put on our inventors hats and had a go at creating, working in pairs. It was great fun. Messy but great fun! The children created everything from rockets, robot heads, boats and a rabbit hutch. Have a look at our photos for proof.
We also did some lovely Art work too but I cannot reveal what it was. You will just have to wait until Sunday...
Well, I'm sure the children will all be off to bed early tonight. There was lots of yawning at the end of the afternoon! A very happy Mother's Day to all our mums/mummys/mummas, nans, aunties and role models out there. Our children are very lucky to have you! And sending love to those of you who have lost mums or cannot be with them this year. Wishing you all a restful weekend!