Wow another fun packed week in Orange class!
This week in Phonics we have been continuing to recap all of our sounds. We have also introduced the ‘l’ sound and practiced writing it on our whiteboards. As the week progressed we looked at ‘ss’. The children explored where this sound might be found in a word and practised reading some words containing it for example ‘class’, ‘hiss’, and ‘mess’. The children were also introduced to the new tricky word ‘to’. The children looked at how it was spelt and throughout their active learning time they were encouraged to try and use this word in a sentence. They were very good at doing this!!
In maths this week the focus has been to look at number bonds for the numbers 1 to 5. We have been looking at how the fives frames can show us the number bonds and help us work out all the different ways to make the numbers. We were then getting arty with our maths again by making paper chains to show the number bonds. We used the fives frames to help us decide how many of each colour we would need to make the chain. We then wrote a number sentence to go with this and have hung them up around our maths area.
On Tuesday we learnt all about Remembrance Day and why it is so important. We then looked at why we use poppies to help us remember. With this new knowledge the children used paint to create handprint poppies which they brought home with them to put in the windows and around your homes. The children were also able to do free painting of poppies throughout the day which we have displayed in our classroom window. On Wednesday at 11:00 am we did a minute's silence to remember the soldiers, the children were very mature when doing this. Throughout the day again we encouraged the children to create poppies this time using oil pastels and as a cutting activity, all of these looked amazing!
We also learnt about Diwali this week as the festival is tomorrow. Within this we discussed why they celebrate it and the story of Rama and Sita. As well as how they celebrate for example dressing up in nice clothes, doing mehndi patterns on their hands, and having a big family meal! The children were then able to create their own Rangoli art using shredded colour paper.
Today was Children in Need day, the children all wore their comfy loungewear and pyjamas! Everyone looked very cosy and ready for sleep. We took part in Joe Wicks’ live PE challenge today too. Throughout the week we looked at why we raise money for children in need and how we can give in other ways too for example helping people and giving our time as well as giving hugs.
It was a very exciting week with lots of different events happening but i think everyone learnt lots! It was lovely to speak to most of you at parents evening - I know we haven’t had much time to chat this year. I hope everyone has a lovely, restful weekend see you on Monday!