
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 2: 9.9.19


  • We began by reading 'The Jolly Postman' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
  • We then sequenced and ordered pictures from the story and discussed the events and the characters.
  • We then focused on the fairy tale of' Hansel and Gretel'.
  • We designed our own cottages and labelled them. Some of designed cottages covered in lego, chocolate and even diamonds!!!!!!
  • Afterwards we wrote a shopping list of everything we need to build our cottage. 
  • Lastly we looked at the wicked witch and thought of lots of different adjectives to describe her. 



  • We looked at positional and directional language.
  • We practised making whole, half and quarter turns by playing a number of different games.
  • We described the position of different objects in relation to others.
  • We used ordinal numbers to order people and numbers.



  • We designed a WANTED poster to try and catch the Wicked Witch from Hansel and Gretel.
  • We created sequences of movement by performing a variety of jumps.
  • We decorated biscuits based on the cottage in ‘Hansel and Gretel’


Well done Lions on a fantastic first full week back! You deserve the weekend. Hope you all have a good weekend and see you on Monday.


Next Week:

  • English - Jack & The Beanstalk
  • Numbers to 10 - finding patterns, including subitising
  • Visit to the school allotment 
  • Labelling blants
  • Creating our own bean stalk/ autumn art